The St. Clair Art Association welcomes new artists and local citizens to become Members of the St. Clair Art Association. You don't have to be an artist or display your work to join - your passion for art and desire to help build a strong artistic foundation in the St. Clair community qualifies you for membership!
Benefits Include:
10% discount on most Gallery purchases
Discounted rates on Art Association Classes
St. Clair Art Association News
Effective August 2020, membership is for twelve months from the date a member joins or renews their membership. So no matter what time of year you join, your membership dues cover the next twelve months.
Volunteer Opportunities:
We are always looking for help in the Gallery and with various events throughout the year. Please consider donating your time to the St. Clair Art Association! During the Art Fair, responsibilities include: Booth-sitting for artist breaks, Raffle Ticket Sales, Information Booth, Sales Gallery and Set Up & Take Down (flags, benches, tables, equipment etc. Strong muscles needed.)
Membership Investment Categories:
$50 - Family
$25 - Individual
$15 - Student
SCAA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization (#23-7165977)
- your contribution is tax deductible according to the limits of the law.
To become a member:
1) Submit Your Payment Online - select the amount button below to submit your payment and
please email your address and phone number to office@stclairart.org thank you!
2) You may also apply by downloading this application and drop it off (or mail to) at the St. Clair Art Association with your check.
General Membership Meeting Minutes: Oct. 26, 2021
If you're an artist, please head over to the ARTISTS PAGE to learn more about specific benefits, displaying at the Gallery, and more.
SCAA is a 501(c)(3) non profit organization (#23-7165977)
- your contribution is tax deductible according to the limits of the law.